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Your user name or password may be incorrect. If you recently created a new account (Keystone Login), please select Yes to confirm your user name and password are correct.
To create a new Keystone Login account, select No.
You may also contact the Help Desk at 866-472-7873 if you have any questions or if you feel you’ve received this message in error.
Create Keystone Account
You will be redirected to the Keystone Login Registration page to create a new account (Keystone Login). Once your registration is complete, you may return to the Campaign Finance Online to log in with your new account information (Keystone Login).
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Did you have an account with us prior to June 6, 2019?
If you select yes, you will be prompted to enter your previous account Information (PA Login), doing so will allow you to access your records.
If you select no,
your historical records will be LOST
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