CF Summary : Year 2024
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 1,063.53 1,000.00 2,063.53 531.92 1,531.61 0.00 4,383.00
3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,491.71 0.00 4,383.00
2024 Totals: 1,000.00 531.92 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2023
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
1 0.00 51,100.00 51,100.00 2,700.00 48,400.00 0.00 0.00
2 48,400.00 10,951.27 59,351.27 3,563.00 55,788.27 9,395.47 0.00
3 55,788.27 5,265.00 61,053.27 3,159.06 57,894.21 0.00 0.00
4 57,894.21 66,941.10 124,835.31 49,220.41 75,614.90 0.00 0.00
5 75,614.90 111,630.58 187,245.48 84,449.86 102,795.62 0.00 0.00
6 102,795.62 21,349.54 124,145.16 72,364.20 51,780.96 23,733.37 0.00
7 51,780.96 1,351.04 53,132.00 52,068.47 1,063.53 6,640.77 4,383.00
2023 Totals: 268,588.53 267,525.00 39,769.61

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