CF Summary : Year 2024
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 18,960.82 19,650.00 38,610.82 25,247.80 13,363.02 1,937.55 88,591.29
3 18,960.82 30,050.00 49,010.82 37,696.07 11,314.75 6,287.64 103,591.29
2024 Totals: 49,700.00 62,943.87 8,225.19

CF Summary : Year 2023
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 28,766.88 10,825.00 39,591.88 20,631.06 18,960.82 750.00 88,591.29
2023 Totals: 10,825.00 20,631.06 750.00

CF Summary : Year 2022
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 14,053.37 8,215.00 22,268.37 5,976.03 16,292.34 222.49 88,591.29
3 14,053.37 4,190.00 18,243.37 1,265.00 16,978.37 224.25 88,591.29
5 16,978.37 37,617.70 54,596.07 24,931.02 29,665.05 12,923.72 88,591.29
6 29,665.05 1,500.00 31,165.05 2,062.22 29,102.83 6,556.00 88,591.29
7 29,102.83 200.00 29,302.83 535.95 28,766.88 0.00 88,591.29
2022 Totals: 51,722.70 34,770.22 19,926.46

CF Summary : Year 2021
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 4,450.21 18,316.50 22,766.71 8,713.34 14,053.37 1,984.00 86,482.78
2021 Totals: 18,316.50 8,713.34 1,984.00

CF Summary : Year 2020
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 28,536.31 21,473.11 50,009.42 32,861.51 17,147.91 8,372.16 63,178.27
3 17,147.91 2,724.01 19,871.92 14,777.00 5,094.92 9,865.41 63,327.28
5 5,094.92 31,855.00 36,949.92 23,753.74 13,196.18 2,408.88 82,284.65
6 13,196.18 4,154.77 17,350.95 13,507.66 3,843.29 48,434.88 83,064.42
7 3,843.29 606.92 4,450.21 0.00 4,450.21 0.00 83,671.34
2020 Totals: 60,813.81 84,899.91 69,081.33

CF Summary : Year 2019
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 4,871.03 31,321.00 36,192.03 7,655.72 28,536.31 243.24 51,161.68
2019 Totals: 31,321.00 7,655.72 243.24

CF Summary : Year 2018
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 30,516.50 13,708.49 44,224.99 23,892.40 20,332.59 344.35 27,774.45
3 20,332.59 1,127.03 21,459.62 3,661.01 17,798.61 0.00 28,001.48
5 17,798.61 46,506.92 64,305.53 23,964.54 40,340.99 63,552.66 54,643.40
6 40,340.99 3,791.94 44,132.93 38,337.28 5,795.65 97,642.49 29,385.34
7 5,795.65 0.00 5,795.65 924.62 4,871.03 0.00 29,814.24
2018 Totals: 65,134.38 90,779.85 161,539.50

CF Summary : Year 2017
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 498.67 51,080.00 51,578.67 21,062.17 30,516.50 0.00 27,774.45
2017 Totals: 51,080.00 21,062.17 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2016
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 190.23 3,480.00 3,670.23 3,447.60 222.63 0.00 0.00
3 222.63 3,160.00 3,382.63 2,623.10 759.53 972.63 676.14
5 759.53 54,835.00 55,594.53 54,384.16 1,210.37 59,267.23 5,714.43
7 1,255.06 449.65 1,704.71 1,206.04 498.67 0.00 6,044.08
2016 Totals: 61,924.65 61,660.90 60,239.86

CF Summary : Year 2015
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 563.24 1,560.00 2,123.24 1,933.01 190.23 0.00 0.00
2015 Totals: 1,560.00 1,933.01 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2014
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
5 260.57 5,757.95 6,018.52 5,062.25 956.57 5,232.16 0.00
6 956.57 0.00 956.57 424.00 532.57 655.32 0.00
2014 Totals: 5,757.95 5,486.25 5,887.48

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