CF Summary : Year 2024
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 64,389.87 12,000.00 76,389.87 13,905.85 62,484.02 0.00 4,010.00
3 62,484.02 0.00 62,484.02 385.00 62,099.02 0.00 4,010.00
2024 Totals: 12,000.00 14,290.85 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2023
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 17,208.91 52,375.00 69,583.91 5,194.04 64,389.87 0.00 0.00
2023 Totals: 52,375.00 5,194.04 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2022
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 0.00 42,402.00 42,402.00 22,308.25 20,093.75 0.00 4,010.00
3 20,093.75 3,127.00 23,220.75 6,809.75 16,411.00 0.00 4,010.00
5 16,411.00 8,531.00 24,942.00 13,120.85 11,821.15 5,002.70 4,010.00
6 16,411.00 8,531.00 24,942.00 13,120.85 11,821.15 5,002.70 4,010.00
7 11,821.15 5,750.00 17,571.15 362.24 17,208.91 0.00 4,010.00
2022 Totals: 68,341.00 55,721.94 10,005.40

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