CF Summary : Year 2024
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 69,066.56 23,809.00 92,875.56 42,974.48 49,901.08 0.00 0.00
3 49,901.08 1,770.00 51,671.08 10,764.08 40,907.00 0.00 0.00
2024 Totals: 25,579.00 53,738.56 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2023
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 54,053.97 244.00 54,297.97 24,595.61 29,702.36 0.00 0.00
3 29,702.36 62.00 29,764.36 1,071.98 28,692.38 0.00 0.00
4 28,692.38 79,703.00 108,395.38 42,082.03 66,313.35 0.00 0.00
5 66,313.35 13,001.00 79,314.35 10,596.07 68,718.28 0.00 0.00
6 68,718.28 17,556.00 86,274.28 11,478.89 74,795.39 0.00 0.00
7 74,795.39 16,616.00 91,411.39 22,344.83 69,066.56 0.00 0.00
2023 Totals: 127,182.00 112,169.41 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2022
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 114,423.24 69,166.68 183,589.92 31,298.74 152,291.18 15,722.11 0.00
3 152,551.53 8,255.43 160,806.96 10,429.32 150,377.64 5,523.53 0.00
5 150,117.29 282,907.68 433,024.97 333,582.59 99,442.38 102,789.28 0.00
6 99,442.38 3,584.74 103,027.12 46,522.48 56,504.64 38,425.48 0.00
7 56,504.64 629.00 57,133.64 3,079.67 54,053.97 0.00 0.00
2022 Totals: 364,543.53 424,912.80 162,460.40

CF Summary : Year 2021
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 3,340.51 36,649.00 39,989.51 11,360.96 28,628.55 0.00 0.00
3 28,628.55 13,951.00 42,579.55 7,608.30 34,971.25 0.00 0.00
5 34,971.25 40,147.00 75,118.25 21,381.87 53,736.38 0.00 0.00
6 53,736.38 20,851.00 74,587.38 1,563.72 73,023.66 0.00 0.00
7 73,023.66 43,341.00 116,364.66 1,941.42 114,423.24 0.00 0.00
2021 Totals: 154,939.00 43,856.27 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2020
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 17,559.08 14,905.00 32,464.08 18,830.89 13,633.19 0.00 0.00
3 13,633.19 11,000.00 24,633.19 10,261.22 14,371.97 0.00 0.00
5 14,371.97 30,660.13 45,032.10 38,165.42 6,866.68 0.00 0.00
6 6,866.68 3,493.24 10,359.92 5,828.52 4,531.40 0.00 0.00
7 17,559.08 60,159.37 77,718.45 74,377.94 3,340.51 0.00 0.00
2020 Totals: 120,217.74 147,463.99 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2019
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
3 19,721.28 327.80 20,049.08 1.03 20,048.05 0.00 0.00
7 6,227.63 37,477.83 43,705.46 26,146.38 17,559.08 0.00 0.00
9 16,950.79 12,437.45 29,388.24 9,666.96 19,721.28 0.00 0.00
2019 Totals: 50,243.08 35,814.37 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2018
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 10,548.96 40,661.10 51,210.06 19,502.79 31,707.27 3,004.92 0.00
3 31,707.27 7,081.93 38,789.20 6,266.03 32,523.17 342.66 0.00
5 31,707.27 489,754.13 521,461.40 407,236.22 114,225.18 173,816.06 0.00
6 114,225.18 82,666.08 196,891.26 180,614.90 16,276.36 97,586.19 0.00
7 16,276.36 668.55 16,944.91 810.02 16,134.89 79.18 0.00
2018 Totals: 620,831.79 614,429.96 274,829.01

CF Summary : Year 2017
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 0.00 10,613.96 10,613.96 65.00 10,548.96 564.54 0.00
2017 Totals: 10,613.96 65.00 564.54

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