CF Summary : Year 2024
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
3 390,075.05 162,629.68 552,704.73 44,534.58 508,170.15 353.63 0.00
2024 Totals: 162,629.68 44,534.58 353.63

CF Summary : Year 2023
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 84,685.72 383,828.57 468,514.29 78,439.24 390,075.05 5,323.73 0.00
2023 Totals: 383,828.57 78,439.24 5,323.73

CF Summary : Year 2022
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
1 347,423.80 377,841.93 725,265.73 100,858.61 624,407.12 24,069.70 0.00
2 624,407.12 607,686.81 1,232,093.93 1,221,969.56 10,124.37 388,367.49 0.00
3 10,124.37 952,856.74 962,981.11 926,478.62 366,502.49 118,343.40 0.00
4 36,502.49 40,930.35 77,432.84 17,184.37 60,248.47 0.00 0.00
5 60,248.47 28,775.84 89,024.31 3,726.76 85,297.55 134.61 0.00
6 85,297.55 8,536.50 93,834.05 7,719.29 86,114.76 0.00 0.00
7 86,114.76 258.50 86,373.26 1,687.54 84,685.72 0.00 0.00
8 347,423.80 365,161.93 712,585.73 44,885.44 667,700.29 24,069.70 0.00
9 667,700.29 524,765.10 1,192,465.39 661,258.75 531,206.64 102,580.37 0.00
2022 Totals: 2,906,813.70 2,985,768.94 657,565.27

CF Summary : Year 2021
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
5 87,276.98 58,211.26 145,488.24 27,312.47 118,175.77 0.00 0.00
6 118,175.77 15,215.00 133,390.77 4,002.99 129,387.78 0.00 0.00
7 129,387.78 222,595.42 351,983.20 4,559.40 347,423.80 6,000.00 0.00
2021 Totals: 296,021.68 35,874.86 6,000.00

CF Summary : Year 2020
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 73,896.63 8,825.00 82,721.63 10,127.40 72,594.23 0.00 0.00
3 72,594.23 900.00 73,494.23 2,798.27 70,695.96 0.00 0.00
5 70,395.96 37,845.40 108,241.36 18,234.16 90,007.20 24.44 0.00
6 90,007.20 6,121.15 96,128.35 6,970.13 89,158.22 0.00 0.00
7 89,158.22 1,897.06 91,055.28 3,778.30 87,276.98 0.00 0.00
2020 Totals: 55,588.61 41,908.26 24.44

CF Summary : Year 2019
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 35,277.91 67,127.21 102,405.12 28,508.49 73,896.63 0.00 0.00
2019 Totals: 67,127.21 28,508.49 0.00

CF Summary : Year 2018
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
2 54,604.11 24,831.34 79,435.45 29,108.38 50,327.07 4,036.78 0.00
3 50,327.07 1,050.00 51,377.07 2,449.38 48,927.69 0.00 0.00
5 48,927.69 5,087.00 54,014.69 14,144.90 39,869.79 0.00 0.00
6 39,869.79 2,050.00 41,919.79 3,671.40 38,248.39 0.00 0.00
7 38,248.39 250.00 38,498.39 3,220.48 35,277.91 0.00 0.00
8 0.00 83,304.64 83,304.64 28,778.49 54,526.15 4,036.78 0.00
9 54,025.81 3,671.34 57,697.15 15,397.00 42,300.15 0.00 0.00
2018 Totals: 120,244.32 96,770.03 8,073.56

CF Summary : Year 2017
CycleAmount Brought Forward From Last ReportTotal Monetary Contributions And ReceiptsTotal Funds AvailableTotal ExpendituresEnding Cash BalanceValue Of In-Kind Contributions ReceivedUnpaid Debts And Obligations
7 0.00 82,569.30 82,569.30 27,965.19 54,604.11 0.00 0.00
2017 Totals: 82,569.30 27,965.19 0.00

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